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Produse Rohnfried Belgia 2009


Lista de produse si preturi in stoc 2009 : Lista produse





Rohnfried AVISAL


Contine vitamine,amino-acizi,fosfor organic care formeaza Butaphosphene,ajuta ficatul dupa efort, recomandat si dupa boala.

Administrare:O masura 10 ml (= 2 capace) la un 1 litru pentru 20 de porumbei

In timpul cresteri puilor  de 2 ori pe saptamana

In perioada naparliri  d e 2-3 ori in fiecare saptamana combinat cu Taubengold.

Liquid feed supplement for pigeons.
Feeding instructions:
AVISAL contains vitamins, amino-acids and the organic phosphorus compound Butaphosphene. AVISAL is intended for use as a feed supplement for the nutritional maintenance of a healthy metabolism.
Administration of AVISAL is important during the breeding season. It facilitates egg laying and supports the rearing of the youngsters. Prior to and during the racing season. AVISAL will help overcome over-exertion and exhaustion, and will enhance muscle performance. Administer together with Taubengold during the moult for good plumage.
Composition(content of active ingredients per kg):
. Vitamin A 500.000 I.E.,Vitamin D3 80.000 I.E, Vitamin E 14.000 mg,Vitamin C 7.000 mg ,Vitamin K3 20 mg ,Vitamin B1 700 mg ,Vitamin B2 500 mg,Pantothensaure 1.000 mg
. Vitamin B6 250 mg,Vitamin B12 6.000 mg,Nicotinamide (form of D3) 1.000 mg ,Choline 9.000 mg, Biotin 2.500 mg,Butaphosphane 2.000 mg , Lysin 3.000 mg ,Methionine 1.500 mg
Dosage and Administration:
. Measurement is 10 ml (= 2 caps) in 1 liter of drinking water for 20 pigeons.
. During the breeding season - Administer 2 times per week.
. After flights - On the 1st and 2nd day after return.
. Moulting period - 2-3 times every week in combination with Taubengold.




Ajuta ficatul la efort, curata sangele, rinichii si intestinele

Administrare:1 masura la un 1 litru de apa sau 2 masuri la 1 kg de mancare,Se folosestre in timpul cresteri puilor, curselor si in perioada de naparlire.


Rohnfried AVIPHARM


Pentru recuperare si fortificare - aminoacizi, electroliti, glucoza si complex B. Mentine in limite normale flora intestinala mai ales dupa efort (ficat) si tratamente.

Administrare:20 ml 1 litru de apa .Se  folosestre in timpul cresteri puilor. curselor si in perioada de naparlire.-

Liquid feed-supplement for pigeons. AVIPHARM contains amino acids, electrolytes, glucose and vitamins of the B-complex. All these componentes are causing a good moulting and a strong growing of the young pigeons during the breeding-time. AVIPHARM serves for strengthening after races, promote the function of the liver and activate the metabolism by contaminations and after the time you give antibiotics.

Composition(effective agents per 1000 ml):
. 50.0 g Glucose
. 2.5 g Natriumacetate
. 2.9 g Calclumchlorid-hexahydrat
. 2.0 g Kallumchlorid
. 2.0 g Magnesiumchlorid
. 25 mg L-Arginlnmonohydrochlorld
. 40 mg Natriumglutamat
. 10 mg L-Hlstidinmonohydrochlorid
. 40 mg L-Leucin
. 20 mg L-isoleucln
. 30 mg L-Lysinmonohydro-ichiorid
. 10 mg Methionine
. 30 mg L-Phenylalanln
. 20 mg L-Threonin
. 10 mg L-Tryptophan
. 50 mg L-Valln
. 1500 mg Nikotinamid
. 50 mg Calcium-D-pantothenat
. 0.05 mg Vitamin-B12 (Cyanokompiex)

Dosage and Administration:
. During the moulting and the breeding-time, the growing of the young pigeons, after races for strengthening by contaminations and after giving
. 20 ml (= 4 full screw-caps) with 1 liter drinking-water.

Rohnfried BADESALZ (Badzout)

Administrare: 1 masura ,aproximativ 20 g, la 10 litri de apa

Bathing salts for pigeons. Bathing is a necessity for the health of sporting pigeons all year round.

Especially during the moulting period, Rohnfried-bathing salts removes dust, skin residues, and skin flakes quickly and dependably. Feathers and down of undesirable quality are loosened, furthing the moulting process.
Instructions for application:

. Add 1 measuring spoon, approx. 20 g, of bathing salts to 10 liters of bathing-water.
. Depending on the weather, pigeons should be offered a bath once or twice a week.



Contine Iod care stimuleaza metabolismul si glanda tiroida, amelioreaza absortia oxigenului in sange

Administrare:-2 ml la un  litru de apa.

Blitzform Solution is a preparation that enhances performance and preserves health. It contains iodine to stimulate the metabolism and thyroid function and active iron for formation of red blood corpuscles. This improves oxygen uptake in the blood.
Dosage and Administration:
. 2 ml per 1 liter of water several times a week.

Rohnfried GERVIT-W

Este un preparat format din 18 vitamine se administreaza in apa sau mancare pentru a preveni deficientele de vitamine pe toata perioada anului.

Administrare:10 ml la 2 litri de apa sau 1,5 kg de mancare de 1-2 ori pe saptamana.


The multivitamin preparation GERVIT-W contains 18 vitamins and is administered together with water or grain feed to prevent vitamin deficiency symptons during breeding, racing, molting and exhibition periods.
Dosage Treatment:
Administer 10 milliliters in 2 liters of drinking water or 1.5 kg of grain feed for 1 to 2 times per week.



Ulei de usturoi



100% natural, contine iod, magneziu, calciu, argila si drojdie de bere. Nu trebuie sa lipseasca din crescatorie.

The Lecker-Stein is a special stone pigeons love due to its special formula. Besides the essential minerals, the Lecker-Stein contains magnesium and iodine. The special production method and grain of the material make this a delicacy for pigeons.
-Packages: cartons with 6 pcs. and 10 pcs.

Rohnfried MUMM


Este o sursa energetica concentrata care asigura performanta.Contine maltodextrin si fructose, o combinatie de substante care furnizeaza recuperarea rapida de energie. Se administreaza inaintea cursei pentru a creste performanta si a oferi o recuperare rapida.

Malto Dextrin, Glucose, Fructose, Trikaliumcitrat, Magnesiumcarbonat, Citronensaure, Vitamin C, Nikotinsaure, Vitamin E, Calcium-d-pantothenat, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B1, Biotin, Vitamin B12, Folsaure.
Administrare:Se administreaza 10 grame ( 2 linguri de masuta pline) la un 1 litru de apa 2-3 zile inaintea cursei pentru crestere energiei si glycogen in muschi.Dupa cursa se administreaza pentru recuperare rapida 1-2 zile.Forte important.


Ahighly concentrated energy source for top performance. MUMM contains maltodextrin and fructose, a combination that delivers both readily available and long lasting energy. For this reason, MUMM should be administered before flights to increase performance and after flights for quick recovery.
Dosage Treatment:
Administer 10 grams (2 full measuring spoons) to 1 liter of drinking water 2 to 3 days prior to flights, to build up energy and glycogen in bird's muscles. Provide clear drinking water only, on racing day. Following return, for rapid recovery, administer MUMM for 1 to 2 days. Very important!

Rohnfried PAVIFAC


100% natural - aminoacizi, 8 elemente poteice, arginina, lisina si drojdie de bere, ajuta la recuperare.

Administrare: 2 grame la 1 kg de mancare 1-2 zile pe saptamana

A special brewer's yeast of great biological value. It contains zymocasein and cerevision, two protein building blocks contained in all essential amino acids. Rohnfried PAVIFAC is enriched with pollen and citric acid, making it particularly well suited as an enriching additive to grain feed.
. Zymocasein ,Cerevision, Bee pollen , Citric acid
Dosage and Administration:
. Administer 2 grams per 1 kg of feed, 1 to 2 times per week.



Contine toate mineralele vitale cuma ar fi: Calciu,Fosfor,Sodiu,Magneziu,oligo-elemente Zinc, Fier,Mangan,Iod, Cobalt,Cupru, si vitaminele  A, D3,complexele de vitamine  E+B.

+ Calcium (Ca)
+ Phosphorus (P)
+ Sodium (Na)
+ Magnesium (Mg)
+ Zinc (Zn)
+ Manganese (Mn)
+ Iron (Fe)
+ Copper (Cu)
+ Iodine (I)
+ Cobalt (Co)
+ Vitamin A
+ Vitamin D3
+ Vitamin E
+ Vitamin B
Administrare:  20 grame la un Kg de mancare


Rohnfried TOPFIT feed lime contains all vital minerals such as calcium, phosphorus, sodium and magnesium plus the trace elements zinc, manganese, iron, copper, iodine, cobalt and vitamin A, D3, E+B complex.
Administration and Dosage:
. Provide to pigeons in a small container for unrestricted feeding or mixed in with feed.
. 20 grams in 1 kg of gram feed.



Rohnfried  Zel Oxygen

Saruri minerale, 80 extracte de fructe, vitamina C

Rohnfried AVIDRESS

Previne depunerea grasimii,ajuta la digerare in special a carbohidratilor si mentine nivelul PH-ului optim din sistemul digestiv


Contine extracte distilate din diferite plante, aceste uleiuri mentin organele respiratorii sanatoase si cresc rezistenta porumbelului la curent si frig.


Rohnfried GERPOL

Contra Trihomonozei ,necesar in cresterea performantei porumbeilor si evita mortalitatea lor.

Rohnfried FLUGFIT

Vitamine,amino-acizi,oligo-elemente,glutine si lecitina.



Este de neinlocuit in perioada de recuperare a porumbeilor. Contine calciu,fosfor,vitamine,cel mai important este DL-methione- un aminoacid care contine sulf organic.

Rohnfried GRIT


Contra Trihomonozei si  coccidiozei

Rohnfried NIDRAKOK

Contra  coccidiozei


Pentru caile respiratorii

Rohnfried ANTIWORM

Contra parazitiilor intestinali


Contra parazitiilor externi.


contra salmonelozei, cai respiratori, boli de cap in combinatie cu vitamine adecvate

K+k Eiweis 3000


Pentru boli respiratorii

K+k Eiweis 3000



contra viermilor

Lista de produse si preturi in stoc 2009 : Lista produse


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